Find out how we can help you. Switch to an integrated approach
to creating and sharing contracts.
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
Find out how we can help you. Switch to an integrated approach
to creating and sharing contracts.
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
Home > Paperforest
Online contracting reduces paper consumption. However, we have greater ambitions.
Join the challenge and plant a million trees with Pergamin!
Together, we already have:
Create an account with Pergamin.
Enter into and sign online agreements.
After 100 contracts are signed, we plant 1 tree on behalf of your company.
Tell your friends about the campaign and together we will create the #paperforest.
We look forward to hitting one million on our counter!
Saving up to several hundred thousand annually on office supplies and shipping with online contracts and e-signature.
A positive brand image in the eyes of customers and business partners.
The common paperless goal for employees and an element of the company's CSR strategy.
Easier support in raising capital to grow as a green company.
Plant trees together with Pergamin
and share information about
the #paperforest challenge.
*Spółka Pergamin Sp. z o.o. zrealizowała Projekt B+R pt. „Pergamin”. Wartość zrealizowanego przez nas projektu wynosi 750.000 zł, a wkład z Funduszy Europejskich stanowi 80% tej kwoty. Wsparcie na realizację projektu zostało pozyskane przy współpracy z funduszem Simpact ASI Fund Sp. z o.o. realizującego projekt dofinansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój, Działanie 1.3: Prace B+R finansowane z udziałem funduszy kapitałowych, Poddziałanie 1.3.1: Wsparcie projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w fazie preseed przez fundusze typu proof of concept – BRIdge Alfa.