Less time with contracts.More time for important work
Set the pace for your business by generating and signing agreements with the fastest document workflow solution.

Find out how we can help you. Switch to an integrated approach
to creating and sharing contracts.
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
Find out how we can help you. Switch to an integrated approach
to creating and sharing contracts.
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
Are you looking for solutions for your company? Our consultants will prepare an offer for you Contact Us!
faster contracting
lower costs for preparing and sending contracts
fewer errors in contracts
A startup that specializes in automating the management of contracts and legal documents is picking up steam. Pergamin has raised PLN 3 million in seed funding, led by JR Holding ASI. The start-up offers companies a system enabling digital data-driven contract management and, therefore, helps them generate savings.
Office Manager
“For us, documents used to mean lots of paper and repetitive, tedious work. Thanks to Pergamin, we work on modular templates where we can easily select the necessary paragraphs.”
Rental Specialist Volvo Trucks
“We wanted a digital ecosystem where multiple people can work on a document in one place. Pergamin automated many processes for us. As a result, the sales department can focus on customer contact.”
Sales Support Manager
“Pergamin has greatly reduced the time it takes to prepare and circulate documents – a process that used to take a week, we now manage to close in as little as an hour.”
Sales Support Manager
“These solutions can help you avoid printing out dozens of pages of documents, which was the case with every contract in our company; they also lead to considerable savings on paper.”
Pergamin is an online draft & sign platform that makes it easy to create, negotiate and manage contracts and other legal documents. We will show you how to streamline your
document workflow at your company.
*Spółka Pergamin Sp. z o.o. zrealizowała Projekt B+R pt. „Pergamin”. Wartość zrealizowanego przez nas projektu wynosi 750.000 zł, a wkład z Funduszy Europejskich stanowi 80% tej kwoty. Wsparcie na realizację projektu zostało pozyskane przy współpracy z funduszem Simpact ASI Fund Sp. z o.o. realizującego projekt dofinansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój, Działanie 1.3: Prace B+R finansowane z udziałem funduszy kapitałowych, Poddziałanie 1.3.1: Wsparcie projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w fazie preseed przez fundusze typu proof of concept – BRIdge Alfa.
Pergamin Connect – a no-code integration module for your business