New features in Pergamin: mass invitation to the team and control of the permission level of new members!

With today's update, we introduced the ability to mass invite new people to teams and enabled the configuration of permissions for invited members. Find out the latest improvements and how your organization can benefit from them!

Table of contents:

Mass invitations to the team

To increase the comfort of work for our users, we have introduced the ability to send multiple invitations at one time to our application. The team admin can now make a selection when inviting multiple addresses within one invite window.

The first way is to add more items. The second option allows you to paste a ready-made list of e-mail addresses, separated by commas.

Control of the authorization level of new members

We have also implemented the option of selecting permissions when sending an invitation to the Pergamin team to a new member.

Using the selection windows, the team administrator will decide whether the new team member will have all view and access rights, only specific rights or none of them when the invitation is successfully accepted.

If an administrator invites a group of people to a team, the settings selected will apply to each team member.

From now on, inviting a group of colleagues en masse and regulating their access level in Pergamin is even easier!

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