Accelerate hiring
and streamline adding contract annexes

Focus on people, not formalities. With Pergamin,
you'll speed up the time needed to sign documents and free up time for other responsibilities.

Streamline the process of concluding
agreements and annexes

Eliza Rejter

Sales Support Manager at Profitowi S.A.

It takes 5 minutes from the moment we start working on the contract to the moment it is signed by both parties.

Learn about the most important

Directly upload a contract
from the platform for signing.

Add an annex and other attachments to the master agreement with just one click.

Easily search for documents
using filters.

Track the contract’s status
and monitor the progress.

E-mail notification when signing
a contract or other document.

Mass signing and downloading
of annexes and contracts.

Automate contract work at every stage, reducing the time needed from preparing the agreement to its signing

Speed up the hiring process

98% of HR departments struggle to efficiently generate and sign contracts. With Pergamin, you can quickly guide an employee through the recruitment process. You'll speed up the process from establishing the terms of employment to signing the contract and implementing it.

Conclude employment contracts 100% electronically and free up resources

Use hybrid signatures. As an employer, you will sign the employment contract or annex to the contract with a qualified signature, and the employee will sign it in a document form. No commuting, no paper, and no unnecessary printing and rewriting of unreadable data. This is the only such solution on the electronic signature market.

More process flexibility

Pergamin will adjust to your individual needs. Give your employee a document to fill out or sign. If you prefer, fill it out yourself - either manually or automatically - and then send it to the employee for signing. If you discover an error, you can make corrections to the document that you sent to the employee until it is signed and, that way, you will not have to go back in the process.

Increase efficiency

The more efficiently the HR department works, the more profit it brings to your company. With Pergamin, you'll gain control of your documents and eliminate HR's problems with paperwork as well as use of office supplies and space.

Maintain full control over documents
and order in annexes

Track the status of documents and benefit from the possibility to make corrections to the document until the signature is obtained. Once signed, you have a constant overview of all the agreements and know what their status is. If you want to speed up the obtaining of a signature, you can send a text message reminder to your employee.

Sign employment contracts online using a hybrid signature

As a result of the new interpretation of the employment law, it is now possible to sign an agreement with a hybrid signature, i.e.:

a qualified signature by the employer,

by text message, i.e. in a document form, by the employee.

It is 100% safe for the employer and convenient

for the candidate.

Don’t have a qualified signature? We are an authorized partner: Asseco Data Systems.  We will remotely verify your identity and issue you the mobile qualified signature that you need to conclude an online contract. 


1. How do I know that a document signed online is valid and reliable?

In Pergamin, once the contract is signed by both parties, an e-signature certificate is generated and attached to the document. It confirms that the document has been signed and contains the signers’ details and additional data, specifying when the online signature was made. The certificate is sufficient confirmation of the conclusion of a contract; there is no need to print it out and sign it with a pen.

2. What HR documents can be concluded through an online document conclusion platform?

The documents most often used in HR departments, which can be concluded completely online, are: employment contracts, mandate agreements, contracts for specific work, B2B contracts, and any other civil law contract.

3. Do I have to keep paper versions of the HR documents that I conclude online?

The regulations state that you must choose one way to store contracts. If you choose to handle documents online, you should move all of the documents to an e-folder and declare to the office that you have chosen to store contracts electronically and they will be available in the online archive from now on. You can also use Pergamin to speed up the time it takes to sign contracts by up to 90% as well as handle the remaining steps related to documentation using the traditional approach and paper documents.  

4. Can the HR contracts contained in Pergamin fall into the wrong hands?

No. The employee contracts stored in the Pergamin e-folder are secured against access by third parties and unauthorized attempts to modify their content.

5. How do I know that the right person signed the contract?

Verification of the person using the online signature is based on their phone number. The party who the agreement is concluded with receives a text message with a unique code. It is only after entering said code into the appropriate field that it will be possible to sign the document. 

Would you like to shorten the time between business 

arrangements and signing a contract in other processes

or industries?

Obtain revenue faster
with software for creating contracts

We’ll show you how to create smart contracts
and streamline working with documents at your company.