Case study Going. (Empik Group): saving time and paper on contracts with co-workers

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Preparing a new contract in Pergamin is a matter of a few clicks.

Natalia Dziedzianowicz, Office Manager at Going.

The problem: a paper-based contract creation process


Every month Going. signs dozens to a hundred agreements with co-workers. Each of them contains an additional 6 attachments. Before using Pergamin, Going. worked on paper documents. The signing process itself was not particularly different from the standard path. 


Document templates were prepared in MS Word, then printed, manually filled out and checked for accuracy of data – by management and a colleague. Paper documents had to be collected and stored. The whole process could take up to several weeks. Its control, from creation to everyone’s signature, was the responsibility of the office manager.


What have been the effects of this process so far?

    • The drawn-out process of preparing the contract and signature.
    • Hundreds of sheets of paper to be reworked.
    • A heavy burden on the HR manager.

    The solution: Pergamin as a platform to optimize the process


    Pergamin was built based on the principles of Material Design, which makes the operation of the system very similar to Google’s applications. This makes the first use of the platform by a new user relatively simple. 


    Anna Wojcik, who oversees contracts at Going, notes that employees learned how to use the system very quickly, and in this respect, they did not feel the change from working with paper documents. The Pergamin team assisted in the creation of customized online contract templates (templates for later flexible editing) and further adaptation to the client’s changing needs.


    It is worth adding that Going. used Pergamin back in the days when the system differed in appearance and operation from its current state. Among other things, thanks to the help of Going. we were able to bring the platform to the current version and develop functionalities that satisfy not only their needs but also facilitate the daily work with documents for our other clients!


    The main advantages of implementing Pergamin:

    • Time savings,
    • Centralization of the process and control,
    • Order and flexibility.




      As Natalia Dziedzianowicz, Office Manager at Going. who is responsible for working with documents in the company, recalls:

      Documents used to mean lots and lots of paper and repetitive, laborious work for us, but Pergamin has completely changed it. We operate on modular templates in which we easily select the necessary paragraphs. Our collaborators are added to the database of contractors in Pergamin, so we don't have to manually rewrite their data for each subsequent contract. All we need to do is fill in a few details and the document is ready for dispatch and signature, which takes care of the whole process in a quarter of an hour. Our documents are now in one place and organized. We save time and paper, plus we have control over our contracts.

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